Dominic Phipps on Crafting a Natural Palette for ‘Forgiveness’

July 18, 2024 Jul. 18, 2024

Forgiveness, a powerful new film directed by Felix Julian Koch at Abelone Films, is set to explore the emotional journey of a South African man grappling with a violent past. Featuring grade by award-winning colorist, Dominic Phipps, the film delves into themes of disconnection in modern society and the transformative power of forgiveness.

Phipps sat down with Little Black Book to chat about his experience grading the film, “Forgiveness was one of those projects that just gets you excited from the beginning. The story, the passion, the creative approach – everything just aligned perfectly. We had some great sessions with tons of back and forth, constantly experimenting and pushing each other. It was a truly collaborative and rewarding experience.”

The brief for the film was to create something heartfelt with emotion that resonates with viewers. This was always at the forefront of the team’s minds when navigating the grade. Phipps explains, “We took a natural approach to the color palette, capitalizing on South Africa’s changing weather to achieve a varied and visceral look across scenes. The film features stunning sunsets, brilliant blue skies, and the pure tones of clouds over the mountains.”

Read more about the creative process behind the film here.